Joomla! Project is asking for help in testing the coming Joomla! 1.5.12. They recently (6/24) released Joomla! 1.5.12 Relase Candidate. This version contains 22 bug fixes as well as two major feature updates. The project development team feels that those changes are significant enough to warrant extra community testing.


One of the major updates is the upgrade of TinyMCE. Joomla! 1.5.x has been using the older version 2 for a long while. Joomla! 1.5.12 will employ the latest TinyMCE version 3. Because there are quite many changes from the earlier version, more tests are needed to ensure its proper working with Joomla!.

The other major update requires extra testing concerns PHPMailer class. Changes were made to the framework PHPMailer class in order to allow secure connections (SSL/TLS) to SMTP servers. Given these changes, Joomla! is now able to use services such as Gmail to handle e-mail from the application.

You should first verify normal email functions are working as before, then test it using your Gmail account. Using following options in Global Configuration -> Server for your tests:

  • Mailer: SMTP Server
  • SMTP Authentication: Yes
  • SMTP Username: Your Gmail username
  • SMTP Password: Your Gmail password
  • SMTP Host: tls://

Please download Joomla! 1.5.12.RC at it announcemnet page. Any feedback regarding your testing results can be submitted as comments on that page.

Because this is a release candidate, please don't use it on a live production site.


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