Two rather noticeable bugs were discovered quickly after Joomla! 1.5.13 were released. Because they will disrupt basic operations of a Joomla! site, it is incredible that those bugs could slip past the development team and were introduced to the latest version.

The first one is the mess-up view of the Media Manager at the adminitrator back end. On a site freshly upgraded to or installed with Joomla! 1.5.13, the Media Manager simply won't show up correctly. The problem is caused by a bug in the PHP program handling its view. To fix this problem, you need to download this file, then uncompress it and substitute the file view.html.php for administrator/components/com_media/views/media/view.html.php on your server.

The other isssue is related to a bug introduced into TinyMCE when removing the TinyBrowser feature. It causes the Save or Cancel button ineffective when editing in the front end. You can download and uncompresss this file, then substitute the tinymce.php for plugins/editors/tinymce.php.

Login is required for downloading those files.


FaLang translation system by Faboba